Time is ticking for you to keep your company in compliance with the ELOG mandate set forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration! According to the new law, all truck operators will be required to use electronic logging devices, (also referred to as ELOGs or ELDs) by December 18.
ELOGs refer to fleet management systems that keep a record of the status of all the drivers in your fleet electronically. They update dispatchers of upcoming violations and continually store data in an effort to provide comprehensive reporting on your entire fleet.
According to the FMCSA the benefits of ELOGs include:
Saving Money on Paper Costs
The FMCSA estimates this mandate is going to save over $1 billion dollars for the trucking industry each year. The savings come as a result of the fewer highway accidents and reduced amount of paperwork.
Keeping Drivers Safe
This law is predicted to prevent 562 truck driving related injuries and save 26 lives by preventing truck-related injuries. The ELDs will allow the fleet managers to monitor any unsafe or inefficient driving habits as well as make sure their drivers are not driving for an unsafe amount of hours.
Keeping Drivers Informed
ELDs are not just data recording devices, they will allow the truck drivers to communicate with their fleet managers. Drivers will be able to send and receive information so, if the driver to make an extra stop or change their route, they can communicate that to the driver through the device.
Reaction to ELOGs is Mixed
Since the requirement was proposed in 2014 there have been mixed reactions to the law. The American Trucking Association has voiced their approval however; groups such as the OOIDA have opposed the rule. Part of the opposition includes the fact that they believe the ELDs will cost more money than the save and take a long time to implement.
Tracking Systems has the solution to make transitioning to ELOGs as simple and affordable as possible for your trucking company. It is:
Simple to operate
Flexible to implement
Our DriverLog is fully compliant with FMCSA’s final ruling. The mobile application can be installed on any Android device. The web-based platform itself is easy to adopt and integrate into your operation. Via the platform, your dispatcher will have complete visibility of every driver in the ELOG shift and cycle. In addition, you will be able to see a replay of daily history and comprehensive reports which includes the inspection finding for every truck in your fleet.
December 18 will be here before you know it, make sure your company is prepared. For more information regarding ELOGs or any of Tracking Systems other tracking services, give us a call at 845-738-2200 or visit our website at www.track-sys.com.